Everybody's Playground

In 2000, the members of the Rotary Club of Horsham came up with an idea. The goal was to build a playground that was universally accessible. The vision was to provide a place where all children, regardless of their physical or mental capabilities, could play together. This idea became an obsession, which rapidly morphed into a passion.
The research began with visits to other playgrounds in Montgomery County as well as trips to others outside of the immediate area. Almost at its inception, the concept was embraced by the community and the township. The Commonwealth Foundation became the first major sponsor for the project. This gave the Rotary’s efforts credibility as they began a fundraising campaign, which resulted in the raising of almost $400,000.
Everybody’s Playground was officially opened on June 28, 2003.  Stop by Lukens Park on Dresher Road and visit the largest playground of its type in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.